
Quilt Classes – Live or Video?

Quilt class opportunities are few and far between for me.  Sewing class opportunities are totally none existent.  Nevertheless, I keep my eyes and ears posted for any chance to make something or learn a new technique.  One of my local fabric stores offers classes but they are rarely for anything that catches my interest.  They… Continue reading Quilt Classes – Live or Video?

Product Review · Quilting · Sewing · Tools

Product Review: Clover Protect and Grip Thimble

My hand quilting has been on a hiatus for a couple years while I have been doing the whole "get healthy, get active" thing.  When I returned to my project, I quickly found out there had been a change.  My favorite thimble no longer fit.  I had no idea a 45lb. weight-loss could affect the… Continue reading Product Review: Clover Protect and Grip Thimble

Quilting · Uncategorized

Zac and Ashley’s Wedding Quilt

 A dear nephew married over 4 years ago.  We were unable to attend the wedding in Houston but remembered an idea his mother, my sister-in-law, had given me years ago.  So I set about making memory blocks.  I used a block from an Eleanor Burns book and pieced together muslin with several 30's reproduction prints… Continue reading Zac and Ashley’s Wedding Quilt